The latest research in the field of GH

26 декабря 2023
The latest research in the field of GH

The latest research in the field of GH

If there is a stimulant that helps an athlete burn fat and build muscle at the same time, it is growth hormone (hereinafter referred to as GH). Along with testosterone, GH occupies an important place in the pharmacological “diet” of a bodybuilder. Scientists have not yet fully studied all aspects of the effect of GH on the athlete’s body, but there is no doubt about its effectiveness. To this day, there is ongoing debate about how much GH bodybuilders need to achieve optimal results. We present to your attention the latest scientifically proven information about GH, which will help you understand many controversial issues.

GH (or somatotropin) is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, human growth hormone injections production decreases with age, which may cause loss of muscle mass and increase in body fat. Studies show that in adult men, the rate of GH release decreases by 50% every 7 years, starting from 18 to 25 years of age. GH production is characterized by episodic bursts over a 24-hour period and depends on many factors: age, gender, nutrition, sleep, body composition, local fat deposits, degree of physical activity, exposure to stress, levels of sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen), levels insulin. Direct and indirect effects of GH on muscle tissue and other organs have been established:

- The direct effect is due to the ability of GH to bind its receptors in target cells. For example, adipocytes, or fat cells, have GH receptors on their surface to break down triglycerides, thereby inhibiting their ability to accumulate circulating lipids.
- The indirect effect is mainly due to IGF-1, a hormone produced by the liver and other tissues in response to GH. Most growth-related effects of GH result from the action of IGF-1 on target cells.

Direct effect of GH on fat metabolism

GH triggers the fat burning mechanism in the athlete’s body and blocks the mechanisms of fat deposition. The fact is that GH inhibits the main fat-storing enzyme in our body - LPL. According to one study, after an obese person was prescribed GH, there was a 65% decrease in LPL activity in adipose tissue. Thus, GH affects enzymes involved in fat deposition processes.

Also important is the ability of GH to increase fat mobilization. GH has a number of fat-mobilizing properties. These properties truly begin to manifest themselves when a certain concentration is reached in the athlete’s body. For example, in one of the early studies, subjects were given injections of GH and a placebo during 20 minutes of exercise on an exercise bike. Those given a stimulating dose of GH showed an overall increase in hormone levels. This increase in GH levels in response to exercise was directly related to the utilization of fat deposits observed within 2-3 hours after the end of exercise. The researchers concluded that bursts of GH production during exercise may increase fat utilization after resistance exercise. In essence, this is akin to triggering the process of accelerating fat burning after exercise.

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